How to Complete a Shadow Health Assessment Assignment

How to Complete a Shadow Health Assessment Assignment

Taking a patient history forms one of the most important tasks in the assessment of patient. Increasingly, nurse partake in this process. During the procedure, patient tell a practitioner their account regarding a condition. In turn, the health care practitioner gleans essential information from the encounter.

According to research, the role of nursing has become expansive. Consequently, their assessment skills have also expanded. Most likely, a nurse practitioner, or a specialist nurse will undertake history taking. However, shadow health history-taking can undergo adaptations to various nursing assessments. The process only forms a section of the assessment procedure. As a result, it the nurse practitioner/specialist can undertake it alongside other history-taking methodologies. The two most important techniques in the assessment include nursing assessment and the single assessment process.


Shadow health history-taking techniques go way back to the times of prominent nursing personalities. Numerous nursing theorists such as Orem, Henderson and Roper have undertaken the process. The theorists relied on careful patient need assessments to conduct their professional work. Thus, in order to successfully conduct a shadow health assessment, you need to have certain aspects in place. How to Complete a Shadow Health Assessment Assignment. The present article offers you with a glimpse of the do’s that will enable you to successfully conduct a shadow health assessment on a patient.

How to Approach Shadow Health Assessment History Taking

In order to successfully conduct a history taking assignment, a nurse practitioner needs to understand some fundamental components of the procedure. The very first process that you need to engage involves interviewing the patient. However, before then, you need to ready yourself. Take time to self-reflect. Analyze the patient chart. Alter the setting. How to Complete a Shadow Health Assessment Assignment. Then finally take notes.

The nurse will also need to learn about the patient. In addition, they would require to establish a rapport with the patient through technical skills. Importantly, the nurse practitioner will need to adapt their interviewing to a particular skill. Lastly, one will need to understand that certain issues are sensitive to the client. For this reason, they need to adopt special interviewing techniques.

However, the above fundamentals only apply in the real-life situations. So, the question regarding how to approach the process in a hypothetical classroom situation arises. To answer this, the following form the important components of a comprehensive health and physical examination history-taking. How to Complete a Shadow Health Assessment Assignment.

  1. Date and time of the history- Important to make sure that you have accurately captured the date and time of the history.
  2. Patient Biodata- Also known as identifying data, ensure that the section captures the name, marital status, occupation, age, and gender. In addition, the source of the patient history, whether it is the patient or their family member should appear here. Importantly, the reliability of the source in terms of mood, trust and memory needs to become clear at this point.
  3. Chief complaints- Here, the reason as to why the patient visited the nurse practioner will be written. Our writers will consider the chief complaint of the given disease to address this section. Indeed, the foundation of this section will anchor on hypothetical subjective data.
  4. Present illness- This section amplifies the third component. The section needs to include the advancement of each symptom (quality/severity, setting, quality, location, timing inclusive of onset, pharmacological agents, allergies, alleviating and aggravating factors etc. ) How to Complete a Shadow Health Assessment Assignment.
  5. Past history- The past history phase focuses on the illnesses that have afflicted a person in their lifetime. Here, childhood illnesses and adulthood illnesses feature. Specifically, all the surgeries, immunizations, home safety and lifestyle issues that a patient has experienced are captured here.
  6. Family history- Highlighting family illnesses reveal pertinent information to the nurse practitioner. The diseases within the family, causes of various deaths to the patient’s siblings and parents, as well as their grandparents and uncles feature here. Further, our writers will document the presence or absence of prevalent conditions such as CAD, HTN etc. How to Complete a Shadow Health Assessment Assignment.
  7. Personal and Social History- All matters social concerning the patient should feature here. To this end, personal and lifestyle interests, the patient’s family of origin, as well as their level of education prominently feature in this section.
  8. Review of Systems- In the review of systems, the nurse practioner (our writer in this case) will focus on the probable symptoms of the given condition. These symptoms come out due to questions that focus on head to toe. How to Complete a Shadow Health Assessment Assignment.

Physical Examination Overview and Approach

During health history-taking assignment, a comprehensive physical examination will appear in the document. This section will involve a hypothetical look at our hypothetical patient’s entire body.

Our writer will explore a focused or problem center examination of the patient. This will allow them to place emphasis on the patient’s presenting complaints.

Moreover, the writer will establish a systematic examination sequence.

All the above phases will result into the following physical examination sections:

  1. General survey- This will involve the height, grooming, odor, facial grimacing, state of health, etc. of the patient.
  2. Vital Signs: In addition, information concerning their temp., rate and rhythm, resp., pulse, BP, weight and height will similarly feature. How to Complete a Shadow Health Assessment Assignment.
  3. Skin: Presence or absence of lesions, color, arrangement types, distribution, and location will feature here.
  4. HEENT: Head: scalp, skull, examine hair, and face. Eyes: assess eyelids, visual fields, visual acuity, conjunctiva and sclera, position and alignment of eyes. Ears: inspect auditory acuity, auricles, and canals. Nose and sinuses: examine nasal mucosa, external nose, septum and turbinate. Throat: inspect palate, lips, oral mucosa, tongue, gums, teeth, tonsil and pharynx.
  5. Neck: Examination results of the thyroid gland, deviation of trachea, cervical lymph nodes.
  6. Back- Results of the back muscles and spine examination. How to Complete a Shadow Health Assessment Assignment.
  7. Posterior lungs and thorax- Will contain the results of the inspection, palpation, and percussion of the chest and auscultation of the lungs.
  8. Breast, Axillae and Epitrochlear Nodes- If the patient is a woman, then result of her breast inspection, while the results of the examination of the axillary lymph nodes will feature here.
  9. Anterior Thorax and Lungs: This will entail the results of the inspection, palpation, and percussion of the chest. In addition, the auscultation of the lungs will also feature here.
  10. Cardiovascular system- Here, the results of the venous pressure/pulsation of the jugular, carotid pulsation and bruit, and apical pulse for S1 and S2 will appear.

In addition to the above, results of the examination of the abdomen, lower extremities, nervous system, and rectal examination will feature in that order. At the end, a comprehensive shadow health examination will have occurred at the stroke of a pen. How to Complete a Shadow Health Assessment Assignment.

How do we do your shadow health history assignment?

Taking a patient’s shadow health history may look difficult for you or any student of nursing for that matter. However, our team of expert nursing writers consider this a piece of cake. What with all the experience that they have had over the years writing different kinds of shadow health history for clients from various institutions. Thus, using this experience, they will easily complete your assignment.

But what role do you play in the whole setting? Simple. You do not play any role at all. All you need to do is sign up. After signing up. Provide us with the instructions from your lecturer concerning the shadow health history assignment that you want us to help you with. We will take it up from there and assign it to the most qualified writer.

After the assignment has been given to a writer, you will simply relax and wait for them to deliver. However, before we deliver the assignment to you, we ensure that we pass it though the editing process. This process will ensure that the paper meets all the threshold of a master’s paper. In fact, after we deliver the paper to you, all you will need to do if submit it.

Therefore, do not scratch your head when you have a similar assignment. Simply ORDER NOW from our system. By doing that, you will be offering us the power to ensure that you have exemplary grade on your How to Complete a Shadow Health Assessment Assignment paper.