Adolescence patient health promotion idea and screening tools

NSG 6440 Week 1 Discussion – Adolescence patient health promotion idea and screening tools

NSG 6440 Week 1 Discussion

Discussion Questions

You are a Family Nurse Practitioner working in a community health center. You are seeing a 14-year-old adolescent patent for an annual visit. The patient’s mother is also present during the visit and notes that the patient’s grades in school have been declining. Her son is also hanging out with a group of kids that she has concerns about. The mother has concerns for what is going on with her son. Answer the following questions using course resources (texts) and two other evidence-based sources (current guidelines and/or scholarly articles that are within a 3-5 year time frame). Adolescence patient health promotion idea and screening tools.


  1. What are the components of an annual exam for an adolescent patient?
  2. Is the mother required to be present during your exam?
  3. Describe 1 health promotion idea that you would discuss with your middle adolescence patient. Why is this idea important? Adolescence patient health promotion idea and screening tools
  4. What are some screening tools that might be of importance in this situation? (hint: do you suspect drug or alcohol abuse here?) Adolescence patient health promotion idea and screening tools

NSG 6440 Week 1 Discussion

NSG 6440 Week 2 Discussion

This week you learned about common conditions in the adolescent client.  Please review the following case study and answer the following questions.

A fifteen-year-old female presents to your clinic complaining of shortness of breath and a nonproductive nocturnal cough. She states she used to feel this way only with extreme exercise, but lately, she has felt this way continuously. She denies any other upper respiratory symptoms, chest pain, gastrointestinal symptoms, or urinary tract symptoms. Her past medical history is significant only for seasonal allergies, for which she takes a nasal steroid spray but is otherwise on no other medications. She has had no surgeries. Her mother has allergies and eczema, and her father has high blood pressure. She is the only child. She denies smoking and illegal drug use. On examination, she is in no acute distress and her vital signs are: T 98.6, BP 120/80, pulse 80, and respirations 20. Her head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat examinations are essentially normal. Inspection of her anterior and posterior chest shows no abnormalities. On auscultation of her chest, there is decreased air movement and high-pitched whistling on expiration in all lobes. Adolescence patient health promotion idea and screening tools Percussion reveals resonant lungs.

  1. What is the chief complaint?
  2. Based on the subjective and objective information provided what are your 3 top differential diagnosis listing the presumptive final diagnosis first?
  3. What treatment plan would you consider utilizing current evidence based practice guidelines? Adolescence patient health promotion idea and screening tools