NSG 6101 Evidence Table Assignment

NSG 6101 Evidence Table Assignment

The Evidence Table (also known as the Synthesis Table) Includes all articles used in the Review of Literature section of the proposal.  Each article is also listed in the References section.

Complete each section of the Evidence Table.  Here are the guidelines:

  • The Top Row that says “Summary of Review of Literature” remains as it is
  • Row 2: Put in your name and the name of your Research Proposal or Title of NSG 6101 Evidence Table Assignment Paper


  • Row 3: These are the headings for the different sections you need to identify from your research articles.

Study:  Identify the last names of the authors and year.  You do not need to include the entire citation, but you can,

Design: Your choice of research design is either Quantitative (QN) or Qualitative (QL). NSG 6101 Evidence Table Assignment.

Methods:  The method is the TYPE of QN or QL study.  For example, in QN, it could be a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT), an observational descriptive study, a cross-sectional descriptive study, a prospective or retrospective cohort study, or quasi-experimental—just to name some options. For QL, you might have grounded theory, phenomenological, or ethnographic

Sample: This refers to the number and type of sample—such as 1200 medical charts, or 700 children, or 100 adults—just depends on the type of study

Tools:  Tools means what kind of instrument was used.  In QN research, an instrument could be a pain scale, a self-reported survey, a blood pressure log, etc.  In QL research, a tool is likely to be semi-structured interviews or focus groups. NSG 6101 Evidence Table Assignment.

Findings:  The Findings section is what will help you write your Review of Literature.  PARAPHRASE the findings from the study, including the most important elements

Limitations:  Identify the “shortcomings” of the study—such as small sample size, only one region of the country, high attrition rate.  Many times authors will identify the limitations, but sometimes you just have to evaluate the study on its merits and see what could have/should have been done to make it stronger.

  • Minimum of 10 Research Articles
  • Five of the Research Articles must be within the past 5 years
  • You do not need to write in full sentences if phrases or abbreviations (e.g. “QN”) will work.
  • Reference page accompanies the Evidence Table
  • You do need to submit the assignment with the expected nomenclature for the course. NSG6101_Evidence Table_Last name_First name

 NSG 6101 Evidence Table Assignment Grading Rubric:

10 Research Articles /20
5 Research Articles within the past 5 years /20
Correctly identify all Design as either QN or QL /10
Correctly identify Method /10
Findings /20
Tools, Sample, Limitations are identified /5
Reference Page is accurate and adheres to APA format.  (5 points)Assignment submitted with expected nomenclature (5 points)


Sentence or phrasing structure is clear and understandable (5 points)

TOTAL /100

NSG 6101 Evidence Table Assignment Sample

Sample Summary of Review of Literature. NSG 6101 Evidence Table Assignment
Study Design Methods Sample Tools Findings Limitations
1 Coble (2009) QN 2 Group, Pre-test, Post Test 500 RNs, random, large hospital Nurse Satisfaction Survey (Grolier, 1999) High nurse satisfaction correlated with increased level of BSN on units Single hospital
2 Smith (2011) QL Phenomenological 6 RNs from Magnet nursing home Semi-structured interview Themes of work ethic, teamwork, recognition Small sample, single facility
3 Evans, Leslie & Scrape (2009) QN Quasi-Experimental Implemented support groups to manage work on units 120 RNs, random Nurse Satisfaction Survey (Grolier, 1999) Units with support groups have less turnover and No comparison to other units or by type of unit
4 Parrish, Holsonback, Brault (2011) QN Time series analysis over 5-years 600 BSN graduates from 2006-2010, non-random, convenience CA Critical Thinking Skills (1969); questionnaire Grads with high job satisfaction had high critical thinking skills (p<0.05) Single population, one university
5 Jones (1999) QL Phenomenological 12 RNs from 3 Magnet hospitals, convenience Story-telling. NSG 6101 Evidence Table Assignment Themes identified include research-focus, recognition of work, team efforts Limited to FL
6 Grolier (1999) QN Descriptive, correlational 120 RNs from CA magnet facilities. convenience Researcher developed questionnaire High correlation between nurse manager style and nurse satisfaction; developed new instrument Reliability and validity of questionnaire not tested
7 Patrick & Evans (2004) QN 2 Group, Pre-test, Post Test Convenience sample of 30 BSN grads, quota sample Nurse Satisfaction Survey (Grolier, 1999) Low morale was a predictor of turnover within 2 years (p<0.05) Sample, not long term
8 Jameson (2008) QL Grounded theory 35 RNs from Oncology group, convenience Semi-structured interview Patient interaction was number one theme identified Limited to oncology
9 Simpson (2008) QN Path Analysis 5000 RNs across US, random, stratified Nurse Satisfaction Survey (Grolier, 1999)Intent to Leave (Simpson, 2007)


QOL Index (Jeremiah, 2000)

Higher levels of Education and Experience predicted lower intent to leave (p<0.001) Multiple tools led to missing data.
10 Reynolds (2010) QN Discriminant, Factor Analysis 200 RNs in FL hospitals, random, ICUs Researcher-developed questionnaire Pay was number 3 reasons for staying at hospital;  #1 reason was staff support by management (head nurse) and #2 was recognition by patients/family of excellent care Limited to ICUs and to FL
Summary. NSG 6101 Evidence Table Assignment 7 QN, 3 QL QL mostly phenomenological, with one grounded theoryQN were predominantly group comparisons, with some longitudinal or stratified. Ranged from 6-5,000.  Most were less than 120 and were random.  Majority were hospital based Nurse Satisfaction Survey was the predominate tool in QN studies.  Some researchers developed their own questionnairesSemi-structure interviews were used in QL #1=Recognition was the highest reward for RNs to stay at work.  Level of education contributed to nurse satisfaction.  Low morale resulted in turnover. Mostly single sites but a few large studies; one national study.  Mostly in hospitals and all with RNs only.

NSG 6101 Evidence Table Assignment