Child Abuse and Neglect: Intervention and Treatment Essay

Child Abuse and Neglect: Intervention and Treatment Essay

ASSIGNMENT 3 GUIDELINES                                                                                                                                                      

  • Summary (approximately half page): Include brief summary of the film and demographic information.
  • Types of Abuse (approximately 1 page): Should include the following parts:
    • Identify types of abuse observed in the film.
    • Give definitions or scholarly information on each type of abuse observed in the film.
    • Give examples of each type of abuse from the film.
    • Child Abuse and Neglect: Intervention and Treatment Essay
  • Theoretical analysis (approximately 2-3 pages): Pick 1-3 theories (actual theories, not just scholarly information) and include the following:
    • Thorough description of the theory, then apply the theory to the character. Should be equal focus on the description of the theory and application to character.


    • The fewer theories chosen, the more detailed it needs to be.
    • Make sure to cite the information! Child Abuse and Neglect: Intervention and Treatment Essay
  • Impacts of Abuse (approximately 2-3 pages): Should include the following:
    • General impacts of abuse learned throughout the course.
    • Use significant research and critical thought. Impacts should all link together rather than being a list.  Lists tell me that you can research, not that you actually understand how and why symptoms of abuse occur. Child Abuse and Neglect: Intervention and Treatment Essay.
    • Identify impacts observed in the character from the film.
    • General impacts should account for 2/3 of this section, observed impacts of the character should account for 1/3.
  • Culture/SES/Ethics (approximately 1-2 paragraphs each):
    • Explain how culture/SES/ethics apply to the character.
    • Use and cite sources for all information. Fontes is a good source for culture and SES, NASW is a good resource for ethics.
  • Family Dynamics (approximately half page):
    • Should include research-based information to describe the family dynamics observed in the film. Your text has good information, feel free to find additional or alternative sources as well. Child Abuse and Neglect: Intervention and Treatment Essay.
  • Engagement Strategy (approximately half page): You will need to develop a specific, evidence-based strategy for engagement. You will need sources to support your strategy, and should include actual techniques that you will use.  Your goal in the engagement strategy is to:
    • Build rapport
    • Motivate them to come back again and build skills/make change
    • Feel safe and build trust
    • Be willing to relive and discuss traumatic memories and histories.
  • Treatment Plan (approximately 2-3 pages): Describes how you would treat both the acute symptoms of child abuse and heal the traumatic memories associated with child abuse.
    • Should include evidence-based therapeutic model(s), describe the model and theory (use research and remember to cite your research!!).
    • Give an outline or explanation on the steps that the model(s) uses, how it treats child abuse. Child Abuse and Neglect: Intervention and Treatment Essay.
    • Should identify any holes you believe the model(s) has, and what additional models or activities you would add to compensate.
    • Describe how you would use this model(s) with the character, and why you believe it is a good fit for the character’s symptoms and needs.
  • Case Management (approximately half page, maybe less): This is the only section that does not need researchJ
    • Identify character basic needs that are missing, and what referrals you would need to make.
    • Hint: They ALL have at least one area in their life that would need assistance or improvement. Some characters need much more than others.
    • You do not need actual agencies that you would refer to, but the type of agency. Example is if the character needs housing, you could simply make a referral to a “housing agency”, you do not need a specific resource such as “Creekside Housing Authority” (save yourself the research on local resources! Just go general)Child Abuse and Neglect: Intervention and Treatment Essay.
  • Diagnosis (approximately half page): This part is REQUIRED despite what the prompt says.
    • Include the diagnosis(es), make sure it is an actual diagnosis found in the DSM V.
    • Give a clinical formulation to explain why the characters symptoms match criteria (you do not need to list all criteria, just explain how and why they match). Child Abuse and Neglect: Intervention and Treatment Essay.
    • Explain any rule-outs or differential diagnoses that you believe may be present (i.e. any diagnoses that you think they may have but are not sure, would need more assessment).
    • You may use additional research if you want, but you are not required to use any other research other than the DSM.
    • If you do not have access to the DSM, you may use
  • General Information
    • Paper should be between 12-14 pages, not include title page and reference pages.
    • Most of this paper is research-based, and should be full of citations! Child Abuse and Neglect: Intervention and Treatment Essay.
    • Make sure to paraphrase instead of quote. You need to comprehend the information and adapt it to your knowledge rather than quoting it verbatim from the source.
    • Use critical thought, integrate the research together rather than simply listing it out.
    • There should be an even distribution to general research and applying it to the character from the film.
    • On “An American Crime” you will need to pretend that Sylvia lives, and based on your knowledge of child abuse, assess what her symptoms and needs would be.
    • Again, I grade this paper critically! Do not hesitate to reach out for support beforehand (though give me at least a week notice so I don’t get 20 requests within two days of the due dateJ).  I strongly recommend not procrastinating on this assignment, and ask questions along the way if you are unsure. Child Abuse and Neglect: Intervention and Treatment Essay

 Child Abuse and Neglect: Intervention and Treatment SOWK 678

Assignment 3 Case Study Grading Rubric

Student Name:

Comments Earned Points
-Brief summary of the plot (10pts)-Demographics

-summary of presenting problems (10pts)

-Types of abuse with supporting examples (12pts)-Analysis of abuse with supporting references (13pts)
-Short term/long term effects (17pts)-cultural issues/SES/ethics (3pts)

-family dynamics (5pts)

Child Abuse and Neglect: Intervention and Treatment Essay
-treatment, intervention (15pts)-engagement strategy (5pts)

-case management (3pts)

-DSM diagnosis (2pts)

APA formatting, 7 references, grammar/style (5)
Child Abuse and Neglect: Intervention and Treatment Essay TOTAL POINTS

Child Abuse and Neglect: Intervention and Treatment


Skills Therapy Alternative Activities
  • Emotional regulation
  • Good support network
  • Building mastery
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Distress tolerance
  • Regulate dissociation
  • Communication skills
  • Stress Management
  • Self-care
  • Good boundaries
  • EMDR- Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing
  • TF-CBT- Trauma focused cognitive behavior therapy
  • CPT- Cognitive processing therapy
  • SE- Somatic experiencing
  • Play therapy
  • PCIT- Parent-Child interaction therapy
  • ITCT- Integrated treatment of complex trauma
  • PE- Prolonged Exposure
  • Sensori-Motor Psychotherapy
  • Mindfulness
  • Yoga
  • Massage
  • Exercise
  • Meditation
  • Art
  • Volunteering in something meaningful
  • Playing music
  • Child Abuse and Neglect: Intervention and Treatment Essay


  • Social Engagement Theory by Stephen Porges
  • Polyvagal Theory by Stephen Porges
  • Attachment Theory
  • Ecological Theory
  • Social Learning Theory
  • Psychodynamic Theory
  • Erikson’s stages of development
  • Interpersonal neurobiology
  • Piaget’s Developmental Theory
  • Child Abuse and Neglect: Intervention and Treatment Essay


  • Bessel van der Kolk
  • Stephen Porges
  • Judith Herman
  • Peter Levine
  • Daniel Siegel
  • John Briere
  • Francine Shapiro
  • Child Abuse and Neglect: Intervention and Treatment Essay