Challenges in Lobbying Strategies Essay Discussion

Challenges in Lobbying Strategies Essay Discussion – NR 506 Week 4

NR 506 Week 4: Challenges in Lobbying Strategies Discussion

Discuss the best approach for communicating with your local legislator or policymaker in your policy-priority issue. What is your rationale for this approach? Challenges in Lobbying Strategies Essay Discussion – NR 506 Week 4.

As far as meeting with local legislators or policymakers, I am sure that the best approach would be trying to find a time to meet face to face with them.  However, due to the current circumstances, I think a telephone call or e-mail may work best. Illinois State Representative, Norine Hammond, is running for re-election this year and the Primary election starts on Tuesday.  I feel that she has much more important things to do for her own success than to take time to meet with me.  Of course, I have never met her, so she could be willing to take the time to sit down and talk, but I will understand if she would rather not due to the timing.  Timing could also be a factor as I am due to have another baby at any time in the next 2 ½ weeks. Challenges in Lobbying Strategies Essay Discussion – NR 506 Week 4.  I would hate to schedule a time to meet with her and then have to back out due to being in the hospital or trying to recover at home.  As I mentioned, if she would meet with me, I would make sure she was aware of my circumstances in case I had to cancel at the last minute.


I think e-mail is less personal of course, but I also think it is much easier for people who have a busy schedule, because it then allows them to respond at their convenience.  With the Primary election beginning this week, Ms. Hammond will definitely be busy.  However, it is said that someone would need to ask six people in person to have the same power of an email with 200 recipients (Bohns, 2017)Challenges in Lobbying Strategies Essay Discussion .  For that reason, I would prefer a phone call conversation over an email conversation.  Challenges in Lobbying Strategies Essay Discussion – NR 506 Week 4. I also think that conversations over email or text can easily be misinterpreted and I think there is great significance in immediate responses as well as changes in voice.  I know for me personally, it is much easier to say “no” in an email than it is on the phone or in person. It is also easier for me to argue my case in person rather than in text form.

Because Ms. Hammond will be helping me out with my class, I will be appreciative of whatever she has to offer. Challenges in Lobbying Strategies Essay Discussion – NR 506 Week 4.


Bohns, V. (2017). A face-to-face request is 34 times more successful than an email. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from: Challenges in Lobbying Strategies Essay Discussion – NR 506 Week 4.