Future Use of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing Essay

Future Use of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing Essay

NR 505 Week 8: Future Use of Evidence-Based Practice Discussion – The lesson for Week 8 asks you to objectively reflect on your current use of evidence-based practice. Future Use of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing Essay Throughout this course you have worked hard and created a template for an EBP project proposal. Rather than look to the past, this discussion asks you to look to the future—your future as an MSN-prepared advanced practice nurse!

You are a nurse leader in your future advanced practice track-based setting. You notice that although nurses say they use evidence-based practice (EBP), you find very few examples of this. As the leader, you decide to develop an environment that fosters EBP. Please respond to each of the following topics Future Use of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing Essay.


  • How would you role model EBP in your future advanced practice setting? Be specific!
  • How would you foster an organizational culture that promotes EBP? How would you promote EBP throughout the entire organization?
  • You have one staff member who constantly says, “We have never done it this way—why change?” What actions would you take to change him or her from a distracter to a promoter of EBP?

Scholarly references to support your response are required.

NR 505 Week 8: Future Use of Evidence-Based Practice Discussion

This weeks discussion looks forwards and asks about the future use of evidence-based practice in our workplace setting.  We are to imagine ourselves as nursing leaders in the advance practice setting and answer the listed questions above.  To begin, i would role model evidence-based practice in my future setting by basing decisions and practices on the latest research.  This can be achieved by using transparency with co-workers as to why a certain change was implemented and needed.  At my current place of employment, certain protocols such as sepsis bundles were rolled out to staff in this manner.  The need for a change to old protocols was first identified using current data at the time that showed a delay in our implementation of sepsis treatments as well as data showing our patient outcomes compared to others.  Then, the latest research was shown to staff showing how effective new sepsis bundles were for patients and this was used as the reason for needed changes.  Committee’s were also formed so that any staff member that wanted to participate in the research and changes could do so.  Future Use of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing Essay The successful implementation of EBP is a dynamic process dependent on a number of variables. Individual experiences, bias and attitudes alongside professional, organisational and workplace factors can act as hurdles or barriers to the translation of empirical knowledge into practice and as such this process can take many years. (Williams, Perillo, & Brown, 2015).  In order to foster a culture of EBP for an organization, it takes time, competence and motivation.  Members of the organization from top to bottom must lead by example and show that they also value this type of culture.  An open-door, non-punitive  policy to new ideas for needed changes is a great method to promote this.  Asking staff to openly search for areas of improvements and forming committee’s to research how to resolve problems is another method that allow staff to become part of the process for researching and implementing changes.  If a staff member is stating that things have never been done this way, they may be resistant to change.  I would offer them to participate in a committee or current project as well as educate them on the importance of EBP in the workplace. Future Use of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing Essay.

NR 505 Week 8: Future Use of Evidence-Based Practice Discussion References

Williams, B., Perillo, S., & Brown, T. (2015). Review: What are the factors of organisational culture in health care settings that act as barriers to the implementation of evidence-based practice? A scoping review. Nurse Education Today35e34-e41. doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2014.11.012. Future Use of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing Essay