Bullying in Nursing Workplace Assignment

Bullying in Nursing Workplace Assignment

Bullying in Nursing Workplace Assignment Introduction:

Bullying in Nursing Workplace Assignment – This essay aims to explore the shared understanding about bullying in nursing workplace will cause serious health-related outcomes, the essay identifies with communication accommodation theory, muted group theory and standpoint theory.

Muted group theory focuses on how marginal groups are eliminated and excluded through the use of language. Standpoint theory allows marginal groups to challenge the status quo as outsiders and to speak for marginal groups.


Nursing workplace bullying is likely to cause serious health-related outcomes for both nurses and patients who are under health care organizations (Lee, Bernstein, Mihyoung, & Nokes, 2014). Bullying can seriously affect the professional competence and reputation of the victims, and the victims needs to maintain and improve the ability of professional identity (Lee, Bernstein, Mihyoung, & Nokes, 2014). Although bullying may occur between colleagues, the most common form of bullying is the abuse of authority by superiors (Lee, Bernstein, Mihyoung, & Nokes, 2014)Bullying in Nursing Workplace Assignment.

Workplace bullying is a problem within contemporary organization (Sheehan, 1999). Employees report being subjected to bullying more frequently than to gender discrimination or sexual and racial harassment (Dunn, 2000). Nurses not only have to worry about their patients, sometimes they have to worry about what colleagues say about them in the tearoom. Bullying causing the nurses can’t focus on take care of their patients, bullying make them worry about get along with co-workers and whether they will make them miserable today (Lampert, 2016).

Bullying in Nursing Workplace Assignment Main body:

Bullying in Nursing Workplace Assignment – Standpoint Theory:

Standpoint theory is a kind of political and social epistemology (Wylie, 2003). At its heart is an inverted argument: those who are systematically excluded and oppressed from their ruling structures may actually have epistemological privileges in some key respects (Wylie, 2003). Also, standpoint theory is often applied to the field of attention to the marginalized. According to interviews and surveys, “most nurses are lack of autonomy, accountability and control over their careers (Kathleen Colduvell, 2017). ” more unfortunately, due to lack of control,” “this often leads to aggression from within oppressed organizations that is displaced and self-destructive (Kathleen Colduvell, 2017). Although nurses in the survey admitted bullying was real, it appears to have been discussed only on private secrets BBS (Kathleen Colduvell, 2017)Bullying in Nursing Workplace Assignment.

From the victim’s standpoint, bullying can be seen as a traumatic experience. Leymann and Gustafsson (1996) present a serious case that bullying can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the victim, a highly vigilant behavior that prolongs the victim’s stress levels and damages the victim’s well-being. As a result of a traumatic bullying experience, the victim’s previous assumptions about the world and herself may have been shattered (Futterman, 2004). It can be said that when we engage in bullying behavior, whether by bullies or by victims, it is based on the communicative behavior and the beliefs and motivations behind it. In particular, these beliefs and motives may converge or emanate from others present.

Nurse bullying is considered a form of “lateral violence”, also known as “horizontal violence”; However, when there is bullying, managers rarely take action (Kathleen Colduvell, 2017). Mayhew and Chappell (2001) also reported nurses are more likely to be bullied than other health care workers because they are mostly women who consider themselves weak and may be bullied by doctors, administrators and senior nurses. At a prominent children’s hospital on the east coast, a nurse spoke anonymously about her experience in the ICU for fear of backlash (Kathleen Colduvell, 2017). She said that when she first started as an experienced nurse, because she is new to the hospital, many senior nurses would call her by her first name and doubt her ability in front of the patients (Kathleen Colduvell, 2017). In fact, she points out, she is more experienced than these “senior nurses,” but still considered a novice (Kathleen Colduvell, 2017). The hospital has a very clear policy against nurse bullying (Kathleen Colduvell, 2017). So, she talked to her manager and the director of the ICU several times. In the end, the manager did nothing, and she was given the option of dealing with the matter or transferring to another department (Kathleen Colduvell, 2017)Bullying in Nursing Workplace Assignment.

Some hospitals offer some education courses for nurses on the subject of rudeness and bullying (Kathleen Colduvell, 2017). For example, the Kennedy Medical System in south-central New Jersey requires all nurses to attend education classes based on three human relationships (Kathleen Colduvell, 2017). A two-hour meeting was devoted to violence, hostility and bullying among nurses in the workplace. These meetings have helped to foster solidarity and effective communication among staff (Kathleen Colduvell, 2017). In this incident, it can be seen that more and more people begin to speak out for the bullying of nurses.

Muted Group theory:

The Muted Group theory was first proposed by Ed and Shirley adner, a couple from Oxford, England (Funderburke, 2012). This theory examines how dominant groups independently create and determine a culture’s “proper communication system” (Funderburke, 2012). According to this theory, the language system cannot equally serve all the voices of a culture (Funderburke, 2012). The “silent group” refers to the minority of subordinates of the dominant group (Funderburke, 2012). According to the “silent group theory”, the silent group does not allow or cannot contribute to the language of a culture as the dominant group does. That doesn’t mean silent groups don’t contribute to culture (Funderburke, 2012). In the previous example, a nurse was bullied by a senior nurse, she reported to her superiors but was not dealt with. As a result, the nurse still chose to remain in her unit.

Bullying in Nursing Workplace Assignment References:

Dunn, J. (2000). Housing and health inequalities: Review and prospects for research. Housing Studies, 15(3), 341-366.

Farzadnia, S., & Giles, H. (2015). Patient-Provider Health Interactions: A Communication Accommodation Theory Perspective. International Journal of Society, Culture & Language, 3(2), 17-34. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.bond.edu.au/docview/1906048428/70CF1B6355444F7APQ/1?accountid=26503

Funderburke, S. (2012). Operating the silencer: Muted group theory in “the great gatsby”. Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. : https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.bond.edu.au/docview/1239693885/455F633BA9748DDPQ/1?accountid=26503

Futterman, S. (2004). When you work for a bully: Assessing your options and taking action. Leonia, NJ: Croce Publishing Group, LLC.

Harding, R. F. (n.d.)Bullying in Nursing Workplace Assignment.

Kathleen Colduvell, R. B. (2017, April 14). Nurse Bullying: Stand Up And Speak Out. Retrieved from nurse.org: https://nurse.org/articles/how-to-deal-with-nurse-bullying/

Lampert, L. (2016). Bullying in Nursing. Retrieved from Ausmed: https://www.ausmed.com/articles/bullying-in-nursing/

Lee, R. &. (2006). When prey turns predatory: Workplace bullying as a predictor of counter aggression, coping, and well-being. European Jornal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 15(3), 352-377.

Lee, Y. J., Bernstein, K., Mihyoung, L., & Nokes, K. M. (2014). Bullying in the Nursing Workplace: Applying Evidence Using A Conceptual Framework. Nursing Economics, 32, 255-267. Retrieved from Nursing Economics: https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.bond.edu.au/docview/1616497586/fulltextPDF/6535F19814B54B66PQ/1?accountid=26503

Leymann H., &. G. (1996). Mobbing at work and the development of post-traumatic stress disorders. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5(2), 251-275.

Mayhew, C. &. (2001). Occupational violence: Types, report- ing patterns and variations between health sectors. Taskforce on the Prevention and Management of Violence in the Workplace: Discussion Paper No. 1. University of NSW, Kensington.

Sheehan, M. (1999). Workplace bullying: Responding with some emotional intelligence. International Jornal of Manpower, 20((1/2)), 57-69.

Wylie, A. (2003). Why standpoint matters. Retrieved from Science and other cultures: https://pages.uoregon.edu/koopman/siap/readings/wylie_standpoint.pdf Bullying in Nursing Workplace Assignment