Assessment of Movie Family Assignment

Assessment of Movie Family Assignment

Assessment of Movie Family Assignment – Instructions Module #1

  • Choose a movie from the provided list. Watch the movie, focusing specifically on the family unit featured in the film.
  • Compare and contrast the movie family’s characteristics and behaviors to the assessment criteria introduced in the class notes and readings from the textbook.
  • Address each characteristic including specific examples from the movie to validate your analysis.
  • You must use references (textbook, class notes, others), and these must be cited throughout your paper.


  • copy/paste images of your genogram and ecomap. (You may need to scan or photograph your genogram/ecomap and save it to your computer as an image if you did not create it in a Word document.) Assessment of Movie Family Assignment
  • APA format (double-spaced). Limit is five (5) content pages. Genogram and ecomap do not count as content pages.

Review the Rubric to guide your work on the Movie Family Assessment, using appropriate subheadings in your work.

Assessment of Movie Family Assignment – MOVIE TO USE:

Mrs. Doubtfire

Movie Family Assessment Target50 points max AcceptableAt least 37 points UnacceptableLess than 32 points
Introduction(5 points) Introduction is present and forecasts content of the paper.(4-5 points) Introduction is present and forecasts the content of the paper.(2-3 points) Introduction is present , sketchy, or introduction is missing(0-1 point)
Movie Setting and Story(6 points)


Complete description of each  major character in the movie family, the setting, and the context of the story(5-6 points) General description of  the major characters in the movie family, the setting, and the context of the story(3-4 points) Incomplete description of  the major characters in the movie family, the setting, and/or the context of the story(0-2 point)
Assessment of Movie Family
Family processes(20 points) Complete description of each of these processes:

  • Sociocultural
  • Environment
  • Communication
  • Power/decision making
  • Roles

(19-20 points)

Complete description of 4 of these processes and general description of 1:

  • Sociocultural
  • Environment
  • Communication
  • Power/ decision making
  • Roles

(11-18 points)

General description of at least 2 processes and complete description of up to 3:

  • Sociocultural
  • Environment
  • Communication
  • Power/decision making
  • Roles

(0-10 points)

Values(6 points) Clearly describes the family values as demonstrated in the movie.(5-6 points) Adequately describes the family values as demonstrated in the movie.(3-4 points) Minimally describes the family values as demonstrated in the movie.(0-2 point)
Socialization and Child Rearing(6 points) Clearly describes the family dynamics of socialization and child rearing.(5-6 points) Describes the family dynamics of socialization and child rearing.( 3-4 points) Minimally describes the family dynamics of socialization and child rearing.(0-2 point)
Healthcare Beliefs and Practices(6 points) Clearly depicts the healthcare beliefs and practices of the family.(5-6 points) Somewhat depicts the healthcare beliefs and practices of the family.(3-4 points) Inadequately depicts the healthcare beliefs and practices of the family.(0-2 point)
Adaptation(6 points) Clearly shows the ability of the family to adapt to new situations.(5-6 points) Adequately shows the ability of the family to adapt to new situations.(3-4 points) Inadequately shows the ability of the family to adapt to new situations.(0-2 point)
Genogram(10 points)




Represents a minimum of 2 generations;Uses correct symbols to demonstrate relationships;

Includes symbol legend

(9-10 points)

Represents 2  generations;Uses mostly correct symbols to demonstrate relationships;

Includes symbol legend

(6-8 points)

Fails to represent  2 generations, and/oruses incorrect symbols to demonstrate relationships, and/or symbol legend is missing

(0-5 points)

Ecomap(10 points) Identifies family relationships inside the middle circle;Uses external circles to include representation from multiple formal and informal support systems;

Identifies the nature of relationships between family members and support systems;

Includes legend

(9-10 points)

Identifies family relationships inside the middle circle;Uses external circles to include representation from some formal and informal support systems;

Identifies the nature of some of the relationships between family members and support systems;

Includes legend

(6-8 points)

Somewhat identifies family relationships inside the circle;Lacks representation from formal and informal support systems;

Does not identify the nature of relationships between family members and support systems;

Lacks legend

(0-5 points)

Comparison to Beavers Systems Model(10 points) Compares the movie family to the Beavers Systems Model addressing each of these components:

  • Family structure
  • Mythology
  • Goal-directed negotiations
  • Autonomy
  • Family affect
  • Global appraisal of the family’s level of development or functional competency (Severely disturbed, Borderline, Mid-range Adequate, or Optimal)

(9-10 points)

Compares the movie family to the Beavers Systems Model addressing 4-5 of these components:

  • Family structure
  • Mythology
  • Goal-directed negotiations
  • Autonomy
  • Family affect
  • Global appraisal of the family’s level of development or functional competency (Severely disturbed, Borderline, Mid-range Adequate, or Optimal)

(6-8 points)

Addresses fewer than 4 of these components:

  • Family structure
  • Mythology
  • Goal-directed negotiations
  • Autonomy
  • Family affect
  • Global appraisal of the family’s level of development or functional competency (Severely disturbed, Borderline, Mid-range Adequate, or Optimal)

(0-5 points)

Summary and Conclusion(5 points) Includes summary and conclusions(4-5 points) Includes summary and conclusions(2-3 points) Missing summary and/or conclusions(0-1 point)Assessment of Movie Family Assignment
Format and Quality of Writing(10 points) Error-free or almost error-free grammar, spelling, punctuation, APA format, and length is within guidelines(9-10 points) Generally error-free grammar, spelling, punctuation, APA format, and length is within guidelines(6-8 points) Error-filled grammar, spelling, punctuation, and/or APA format, and/or length not within guidelines.(0-5 points)

 Assessment of Movie Family Assignment


Movie Setting and Story

Assessment of Movie Family

            Family processes


Socialization and Child Rearing

Healthcare Beliefs and Practices




Comparison to Beavers System Model

Summary and Conclusion

 Format and Quality of Writing

Assessment of Movie Family Assignment References:

Friedman, M. M., Bowden, V. R., & Jones, E. G. (2003). Family nursing: Research, theory, and practice (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

CLASS NOTES: Assessment of Movie Family Assignment