NR 451 Week 8: Your Future! Sample

NR 451 Week 8: Your Future! Sample

NR 451 Week 8: Your Future! -Now that you are very close to completing this major accomplishment in your nursing career, what are your plans for your future? Please share your plans to keep up to date in your chosen specialty and nursing in general. What professional and nursing organizations do you plan to actively participate? Have you considered continuing your education to pursue a graduate degree?

As this session comes to a close, I can’t help but think of all the possibilities that are available for nurses. I never imagined obtaining my bachelor’s degree but, I will be a BSN-prepared nurse at the end of this week. I have already begun my research to determine which university will best meet my needs as I progress forward and obtain my Family Nurse Practitioner licensure. I am excited about the growing possibilities in nursing and am so very happy that I chose a career in healthcare NR 451 Week 8: Your Future! Sample.


Currently, I am not a certified emergency nurse. I am planning to take the exam next month. “Achieving and maintaining certification validates the knowledge required for competent practice, which can make a difference to health care administrators, employers, nurse and physician colleagues, patients, and, perhaps most important, to the emergency nurse” (American College of Emergency Physicians, n.d.). The field of medicine is constantly changing and it is important to stay up-to-date with the advances in healthcare. Nurses are consistently striving for more autonomy and advocating for themselves and the patient. “The dynamic nature of the healthcare practice environment and the growing body of nursing research provide both the impetus and the opportunity for nursing to ensure competent nursing practice in all settings for all healthcare consumers, and to promote ongoing professional development that enhances the quality of nursing practice” (American Nurses Association, 2015, p. 49).

Nursing has come a long way. In the early to mid-1800s, “physicians began scattered efforts to ‘train’ low-status women to assist them with menial tasks” (A Timeline of Nursing Education, n.d.). Now, staff nurses collaborate with the physician to provide the best possible outcomes for the patient. “New roles are empowering nurses to play a greater role in improving patient experiences and population health and lowering costs” (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 2015). By obtaining my Doctorates of Nursing Practice, I will be able to assist patients even more. I am eager to pursue my dreams of being an excellent provider.

~Candee Crane

NR 451 Week 8: Your Future! References:

A Timeline of Nursing Education. (n.d.). Retrieved October 15, 2017, from https://

American College of Emergency Physicians. (n.d.). Retrieved October 15, 2017, from—Practice-Management/Emergency-Nurse-Certifications-Do-Make-a-Difference/

American Nurses Association. (2015). Nursing: Scope and standards of practice (3rd ed.). Silver Spring, MD: Author.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (2015). Nurses take on new and expanded roles in healthcare. NR 451 Week 8: Your Future! Sample.